Information on the 2017 Annual General Meeting

This notifies that the 2017 AGM will be held in the Clubhouse at 2:00 PM, Sunday, March  5 , 2017. Official Notice of the meeting will be served on or before February 23, 2017 in the Hants Journal, on the Club’s website and by email to all Members and Shareholders who have their email addresses registered with the Club. Also as of February 23, all documents required for the meeting will be available for download from the website and, if required in print, for pick-up at the Clubhouse or through the mail upon request.  A supply will also be available during the meeting. Further email/ website notification on these matters will be provided as they occur.

 Shareholders are reminded that an amendment was passed during the 2015 AGM which set the quorum requirement as 30 Shareholders in attendance: if quorum is not met on March 5, 2017, the meeting will be rescheduled for Sunday March 12 with no quorum requirement in effect.

Shareholder-initiated Nominations for Election to the Board of Directors

As provided in the Club’s By-laws, in addition to nominees identified by the Board’s Nominating Committee, any  two Shareholders may nominate a Shareholder for election to the Board of Directors. Nominations must be received by the Board’s Secretary no later than two months in advance of the meeting wherein the election is to take place, i.e. by January 5, 2017  and the nominee will be contacted to confirm his/ her willingness to run.   If there are more than nine names proposed, the election for the nine to serve will be held during the Annual General Meeting.

The Nominating Committee encourages the participation of younger shareholders and women shareholders on the Board  If interested, you may contact Rob Caissie at or you may arrange with two of your fellow Shareholders to have your name sent directly to the Secretary as indicated.

Shareholder-initiated By-law Amendment proposals

The By-laws also provide that if any Shareholder wishes to propose a repeal or amendment to the By-laws (including the introduction of a new By-law), said proposal must be received in writing by the Board’s Secretary also by January 5. Shareholders can  request a copy of the current By-laws by emailing

Nominations, proposed By-law amendments or any questions can be directed to the Club by e-mail c/o  or  by regular post addressed to:

The Secretary, Board of Directors
Avon Valley Golf and Country Club
P.O. Box 250
Windsor NS    B0N 2T0