MacPherson 2 Ball Winners
Policies and Procedures
- All new Full, Spousal, Monday – Friday, Intermediate, and 30 round members are required to purchase a share for the price of $115 tax included. Upon forfeiture of your membership, the share price less the tax is refundable upon request.
- Family Membership includes two full members and two members under 19 in any category. Proof of residency will be required for the entire family. Adults have full playing and booking privileges. See playing and booking time privileges for Junior, Pee Wee and Early Birds below.
- Spousal Membership is offered to couples who reside at the same residence. Proof of residency may be required. Full playing and booking privileges.
- Full Members are 41 years or older on April 1, 2025. Full playing and booking privileges.
- Monday – Friday Members – members will be eligible to play only during Monday – Friday. All weekends and holidays are excluded unless the member wishes to pay the posted green fee. Holidays observed are: Victoria Day, May 19, Canada Day, July 1, Natal Day, August 4, Labour Day, September 1, Thanksgiving, October 13, Remembrance Day, November 11 (if the course is open). Monday to Friday members can play in the club championships (men’s/women’s/mixed) for included membership fee (plus tournament fee). Other member tournaments can be played with $45 green fee plus the tournament fee.
- 30 Round Memberships – Once you have completed your 30 rounds you will then be required to pay per play at $45 per round. 30 round members will not be permitted to pay a green fee until their package has been completely used. You will also no longer be eligible to play in member events after the package has been finished. The non-transferable, non-carryover rounds expire at the end of the 2025 season.
- Intermediate A Members have full playing and booking privileges and must not be older than 40 by April 1, 2025. Intermediate B Members have full playing and booking privileges and must not be older than 35 by April 1, 2025. Intermediate C Members have full playing and booking privileges and must not be older than 25 by April 1, 2025.
- There are 10 Locked-In tee times reserved for public play only on Saturday, Sunday and holiday Mondays. These times are 9:00am, 10:03am, 11:06am, 11:15am 12:00pm, 12:09pm, 1:03pm, 1:12pm, 2:06pm, 2:15pm.
- Medical/Refund policy – From April 1 until June 30, a partial refund will be considered on a prorated basis. There are no refunds after this date for any reason.
- Food and Beverage Card -The card expires October 19, 2025. The restaurant is open until Sunday, October 5, 2025, and the bar/canteen (beverages/sandwiches/hot dogs/snacks) are open until Sunday, October 19, 2025.
- Junior Members must be 13, but not yet 19 as of August 1st, 2025. Booking Privileges: Weekdays-Playing/booking before 12:00pm requires at least one adult to be aged 19 or older in your booking group. Joining a different adult group is not permitted. After 12:00pm no adult required. Weekends and Holidays-After 2:00pm.
- Pee-Wee Members are classified as not yet 13 and at least 8 years of age as of August 1st, 2025. All play after 2pm. Playing with an adult is recommended if needed to keep up pace of play.
- Early Bird Members are classified as not yet 8 and at least 5 years of age as of August 1, 2025. Allowed on the course after 4pm daily and must be accompanied by an adult. Joining an adult group is not permitted.
- If applying for Leave of Absence/ Social Membership status as defined in the By-laws, submit a written request to the General Manager no later than March 1st. A full member is entitled a maximum of 3 periods of such status during their time of membership, Intermediate members just one such period, and Pee-wees/ Jrs are not permitted any.
- Please note: The Club’s By-laws set a limit on memberships. In the event of a surplus of applications, the priority for acceptance will be determined by the Board. The date of receipt of applications is also a factor. Please ensure your application for membership or renewal is received at the Club no later than February 1st.
- All equipment left with the Club under the care and storage services is either attended during operating hours or kept under lock and key after hours with security monitoring in effect. Notwithstanding, users of these services (or the Club’s facilities in general) are advised that the Club accepts no liability for theft or damage to members’ property at any time. Personal property that is brought onto course property is solely at the risk of the person and the course shall not be responsible or liable to the member/ or guest for any loss thereof or damage thereto.
- Member account balances are cleared if not used by October 31, 2025.
- There is no guarantee of tee time availability. All adult Members can book 7 days in advance beginning at 8:00pm.
- Respect the golf course, equipment, daily golf car rules and facilities. Replace divots, repair ball marks, and rake sand traps. Do not discard apple cores, banana peels, sunflower seeds, food wrappers, or drink containers on the golf course. Please use the trash bins. Taking divots from the greens will lead to immediate termination of membership.
- To help us manage the tee sheet, all members and guests must register in the pro shop prior to playing. If you cannot make your tee time, cancel online within 24 hours, or call so we can re-book the tee time and maximize tee sheet usage. Failure to cancel reserved tee-times, update number of golfers, or no show may result in a warning. Multiple no shows will be referred to the General Manager for further action.
- The first and last name of all players must be recorded when reserving tee-times. Using golfer’s initials or only first name does not help us manage the tee sheet. Do not book multiple tee times with the same players on the same day then “choose” the preferred tee time later. These types of bookings may be deleted from the tee sheet.
- Golf car usage will be limited when the golf course conditions are wet or soft. There will be times when it is cart path/rough only and 90 degrees. These times usually are Spring, Fall, after a heavy rain and golf course saturation. There could also be times when golf cars are not allowed on the golf course after heavy rain and/or continued periods of rain.
- Rounds at Avon Valley should be completed within 4hr 20 minutes. Players failing behind more than 1 hole should skip a hole and catch up with the group in front of them.
- Abide by all local, provincial, and national laws and regulations. Players must not be intoxicated on the property. Only alcohol purchased on-site is permitted for consumption on the property.
- Members have no authority to instruct staff on duties or job performance. Comments regarding operations can be directed to the General Manager. Member behaviour must always be respectful in dealing with all employees, management, Directors, other members, and guests.
- All persons are treated with dignity and respect while playing and working at Avon Valley Golf and Country Club. With membership payment, all members consent to abide by these Policies and Procedures. Verbal abuse of employees and fellow members will not be tolerated. The privileges and rights are governed by the Club Bylaws, policies, procedures, and rules. When at Avon Valley please follow these Policies and Procedures to ensure an enjoyable experience for all members, guests, and employees. Infractions may result in actions that range from warnings, suspension of playing rights and privileges, or termination of membership.
Golf Club Disciplinary Policy
This policy outlines the procedures for addressing violations of club policies and procedures by members of Avon Valley Golf and Country Club. The aim is to maintain a respectful, enjoyable, and safe environment for all members and staff.
All disciplinary matters will be handled with confidentiality. Information regarding disciplinary actions will only be shared with those directly involved in the process.
A. Scope
This policy applies to all members of Avon Valley Golf and Country Club. Violations of club rules, damage to property, inappropriate conduct, or any behavior that disrupts the enjoyment of the club by others will be addressed in accordance with this policy.
B. Disciplinary Procedures
Step 1: Verbal Warning
- For a first-time or minor infraction, a member will receive a verbal warning from club management or a designated staff member. The warning will include a reminder of the relevant rule(s) and a request to comply moving forward.
- The incident will be documented for internal records.
Step 2: Written Warning
- If a member repeats the offense or commits a more serious violation, they will receive a formal written warning. This will include:
- A description of the infraction
- The specific rule(s) that were broken
- Possible consequences for further violations
- The member will be asked to sign the written warning to acknowledge receipt.
Step 3: Probationary Membership
- If the member’s conduct remains problematic, they may be placed on probation for a specified period. During probation, any further infractions may result in immediate termination of membership.
- A meeting with the disciplinary committee may be required, where the member will have an opportunity to discuss the situation and agree to corrective actions.
- The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of the standing President of the Board and the two most immediate Past Presidents available.
- The Disciplinary Committee shall have the power to discipline, suspend or expel any member, whose conduct is, in the opinion of the Committee, prejudicial to the interests of the Club or likely to endanger the welfare of the Club or any of its members, or who is responsible for any which is inconsistent with the aims, objectives and ethics of the Club.
- A suspended member shall lose all rights of membership during his suspension. An expelled member shall have their membership terminated. Suspended and expelled persons may also be barred from Club property for such period, up to and including indefinitely, as the Committee may determine.
- Upon the Disciplinary Committee being notified of any complaint or complaints which could result in the disciplinary action, suspension or expulsion of a member, the Disciplinary Committee shall immediately set a date for hearing the complaint or complaints and shall so notify the member.
- Such notification shall state:
- time, date and place of the hearing;
- reason or reasons for the hearing,
- the hearing will be held whether the member appears or not; and
- possible consequences should the hearing uphold the complaint or any of them.
- If mailed, such notice of hearing shall be deemed to have been received by the member on the third business day following the date of mailing by registered mail.
- If the same incident or act results in a complaint against more than one member, the complaints against any or all members involved may, at the discretion of the Disciplinary Committee, be heard at the same time.
- For conduct by a member that the Board considers to be so serious as to place the Club or any of its members in imminent and immediate peril, the Disciplinary Committee may suspend that member pending the hearing of the complaint. Notice of any such suspension shall be included in the notice of hearing set out in paragraph 4 (a) of this Article.
- The procedure applicable to such hearing is as follows:
- The member against whom the complaint has been made shall be entitled to:
- present during the hearing including but not limited to the presentation of any statements or evidence;
- have disclosed to them and to examine any relevant documents:
- be heard; and
- defend themselves and correct, refute or contradict any evidence presented
or statement made during the hearing.
- The member is not entitled to be present during any deliberations of the Disciplinary Committee.
- Any member of the Disciplinary Committee who is in conflict of interest shall be replaced by the next available past president.
- Suspension or expulsion shall take effect immediately, unless otherwise ordered by the Disciplinary Committee. The member and the Board shall be notified forthwith of the decision of the Disciplinary Committee. Notification of suspension or expulsion shall be in writing, but may also be oral and shall also state
- The reasons for suspension or expulsion:
- In the event of suspension, the period of suspension and/or condition of reinstatement, if any; and
- The procedure for appeal.
Appeal Process
Any disciplined, suspended, or expelled member may request, in writing, an appeal of the decision of the Disciplinary Committee to the Board of Directors (with the exclusion of any members of the Disciplinary Committee) within fourteen days of receiving Notification of Discipline. The decision of the Board of Directors on the appeal request shall be final. If the member is not reinstated, his suspension or expulsion shall stand confirmed, and they shall have no privileges of the Club.
No Refund
The Club’s Policy on refunds notwithstanding, an expelled person is not eligible for refund of any portion of his/ her dues.
General Manager’s Authorities
Notwithstanding anything in Article VII, the General Manager may take such timely measures during his day-to-day administration of the Club as may be necessary to ensure the safety of the membership, staff, visitors, as well as the protection of the Club’s grounds, facilities, and other property. Such measures may include the immediate administrative suspension of members’/visitors’ playing privileges, use of power cars, access to Club facilities etc. as in the General Manager’s opinion may be required to address the situation at hand. Appeals against measures taken by the General Manager under this Section may be brought directly to the Board of Directors for review.