Our Intermediate classification gets you the same playing and booking privileges as our Full membership for less than 2/3 the annual dues.  Applicants must be at least 19 and not older than 30 at the time of joining or renewing.  A one-time share purchase ($115, tax inc) is also required, fully refundable upon resignation of membership and return of share. See the 2016 Membership Info page for rates on optional services-  or click here for the application form

As a  service from the Club to help you strategize your 2016 season, we’re pleased to post the Sept 6/15  Google earth™ satellite image of the grounds.  Click  here to open a window with a downloadable pic large enough to use on most computers as wallpaper- but be sure to come back & click on ‘read more’! Read more

We’re now closed for the winter: the Club’s Board of Directors, management and staff thank you for your support over the 2015 season & we look forward to seeing you again in the Spring.

Girls Mosquito Runner-up Emily Trider

Girls Mosquito Runner-up
Emily Trider


Girls Mosquito Champion Heidi Harvie


Boys Mosquito Champion Blake MacPherson


Boys Pee Wee Runner-up Joe Thompson


Girls Pee-Wee Runner Up Lea Sauveur


Girls Pee-Wee Champion Leah Earley


Boys Pee Wee Champion Colin Parker


Boys Bantam Runner up Jack Sheehan


Girls Bantam Champion Eileen Benoit


Junior Girls Champion Natalie Rippey


Junior Boys Runner-up Nick Sauveur


Boys Junior Champion Liam Parker


Boys Bantam Champion Ryan Martin


Boys Mosquito Runner Up Graydon Mole

gabon . domain seo

Green fee/cart/meal
Now available in the pro shop! Guests may now buy a 10 round green fee pass which will include 10 rounds of golf, power cart and a $20.00 gift certificate for use in the restaurant. The price is $700.00 tax included. No restrictions on time of play.