Welcome to all new & returning members and visitors to our 2016 season!

The course is now open for play.  Members and visitors can call the Pro Shop at 902-798-2673 or use the booking widget (green pop-up at bottom right of the page) to confirm a booking time.  For visitors, info on rates can be found on the  2016 Green Fees page.

If you haven’t joined or renewed for 2016, application forms and more info can be found on the membership information page.

Hope to see you soon!


VSFinalPosterThe Valley Seniors (not to be confused with Avon Valley’s Thursday Seniors) provides senior men regular opportunities for friendly competition at reduced rates at ten member Clubs located in or near the Annapolis Valley. Member Clubs include Avon Valley, Ken-Wo, Eagle Crest, Berwick Heights, Greenwood, Paragon, Eden, Annapolis Royal, Digby Pines and  Clare. There are multi-divisional gross and net prizes for each competition and a season-ending banquet each Fall for all competitors participating in the final 2016 competition. One-time dues for the season remain at $30 for 2016, and each participating Club offers deep-discounted green fees on the events they host.

Right now our Club rep, Brian Van Tassel is trying to get an estimate of the potential number of members from Avon Valley for the 2016 season.  If you’re a new or returning member age 50 or over and interested in joining, please advise Brian by email c/o brianvantassel@icloud.com: your reply is not binding.

Good news for young adults (aged 19 to 30 at time of joining/ renewing in 2016):  you can’t do better than our Intermediate classification: click here for more info.

And as in past years, discounted rates for Juniors/ Pee-wees are again available as part of a Family Membership if the applicable conditions are met (minimum 4 applicants, at least one of whom must be a parent or guardian)

More information can be found on the 2016 Membership Info page which also has links to the 2016 application forms.


Our Intermediate classification gets you the same playing and booking privileges as our Full membership for less than 2/3 the annual dues.  Applicants must be at least 19 and not older than 30 at the time of joining or renewing.  A one-time share purchase ($115, tax inc) is also required, fully refundable upon resignation of membership and return of share. See the 2016 Membership Info page for rates on optional services-  or click here for the application form

As a  service from the Club to help you strategize your 2016 season, we’re pleased to post the Sept 6/15  Google earth™ satellite image of the grounds.  Click  here to open a window with a downloadable pic large enough to use on most computers as wallpaper- but be sure to come back & click on ‘read more’! Read more